Monday 13 April 2009


The only oceanic island in Malaysia which rises 600 meters from the seabed, Sipadan Island is a world wonder in its own right. It is formed by living corals engulfing an extinct volcano cone which took centuries to develop. Located at the centre of the Indo-Pacific basin, Sipadan Island has one of the world’s richest marine biodiversity in its ecosystem.

Emerging from 222 participating countries, Sipadan Island has been nominated as one of the 261 qualified national and multinational nominees. Your votes will decide which of these nominees will make it to the top 77 in each group category.

You have one vote and seven choices. Vote for Sipadan Island NOW!


I am proud that Sipadan is listed as one of the nominees for New 7 Wonders of Nature. This is our opportunity to let Sipadan be one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature!!! Vote Now!


Che Kay said...

ni yang mana pula miss gaban? bukan hari tu ke?

dianagaban said...

ya, skrg kami ada ongoing national campaign, minister kami mau sipadan listed at least top 11 to qualify to next round. ni la ni everyday kena promote VOTE SIPADAN!!