Tuesday 7 October 2008

October Fest

My kaki2 minum invited me to Djunction for the celebration of OctoberFest..free flow of beer and food starting from 6.00pm till 9.00pm for RM68/person (if i'm not mistaken)...well, because of my determination to not drink and be a good girl for this few weeks to come, i politely decline her invitation...i can see it in her face that she was kind of dissapointed with me...sorry girl but i have a goal to achieve within this month and the months to come...maybe i can drink one or two times this month and not 2-3 times a week! Anyway, enjoy and have fun! takkan i'm not around pun u guys cannot have fun kan...


Bah, apa cerita? said...

saya awal pagi lagi kana kol suruh pegi moginum d function tu..fikir juga kijap but last2 chow pg keningau..haha

dianagaban said...

Hehe, sy kena cari lg oleh org d djunction, sampai dia tanya my brother in law yg keja d sana jam brapa konon sy mau dtg...