Monday 8 September 2008

Friends or just another phase...

Some people at some point will try to move another step forward in their lives intentionally or unintentionally leaving behind the people that they have consider once as a friend, as though these friends are just another phase in their lives.

I think myself as "another phase" to some of those people I consider my friends. At some point, they stop to call you or text you, though we understand maybe they're busy but what's with not replying your text at all, if you don't want to hang out together that's fine, at least tell me that you're ok and doing well with your life over there, hello?? Sometimes it does hurt when you think about it, weren't you good enough for them till they don't want to be in touch with you ever again??

At one time, it feels everyday you are messaging each other even though not seeing very often, and the next thing you know, after about 6 to 8 months, he suddenly calls you up in the middle of the night asking are you a sleep or not, and lying to him so he doesn't feel guilty of waking you up, you replied "no, I'm still awake!", a few minutes later feeling it was like eternity, he calls you to talk about how stress he is with his work and life, and there you are listening to him, as a good friend should, :) well those days are gone and I really miss hearing his voice, so sad when you think about it, its been more than a year since I met him and the last time I remember he sms me was on his birthday, now my sms are not replied at all, wanted to call but he's the kind that calls people and does not answer calls...he's a very very good friend and it's just sad some friendship won't last forever.

That was just an example of a friend, there are lots more, but it would take forever to tell it all, so to my friends out there, maybe I'm just a phase in your happy lives but you guys are still my friends until today, I will be happy to hear from you guys soon, if ever...I hope...


Bah, apa cerita? said...
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Bah, apa cerita? said...

u r not 'another phase' for me.. u r a great girl my dear Diana! enjoy life!!

dianagaban said...

Thanks're the best!